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My Wish List

Note: Strictly for your reference only. I don't care if you don't bother to read, as long as you don't blame me for being unfriendly afterwards.

1. No random friend requests. (I am very selective to whom I regard as a friend)
2. I don't chat on the client. (No surprise there, if your chat invitation's been ignored)
3. No offensive words (i.e. vulgarities)/racism/begging/pointless criticisms/other stupid stuffs. (You're just dumb, and neither I shall be bothered with you.)
- I do report people.
4. Don't ask for my personal information. Hopefully you know what I mean.
5. That's about all. Don't break these rules and we'll get along just fine. :D

...To be continued, sometime, someday...

For more information about me, take a look at the box(es) below. Remember to scroll down for the fullest enjoyment.

I'm eisaBESS, a typical New York City adult girl. Being an adult doesn't mean that I'm fully matured. I still have my occasional childish moments. :P

Myths and FACTS about me
-Hopefully, you'll get your facts right from now on. :)

myth: I'm rude/unfriendly/mean etc.
FACT: I'm nice and friendly, unless...

myth: I didn't reply your message, because I'm ignoring you.
FACT: I didn't reply your message, because I'm BUSY. -Will reply ASAP.

myth: I'm single and available. *pfft*

Will add on, once I thought of it.

♥ More about me
-I'm quite shy in real life, and I think that applies on cyberspace as well, so don't feel offended if I didn't talk much at the start. But once you get to know me, I can be pretty much talkative. :P (Just look at those long messages from my buddies.)

-I'm can be very random, so don't be surprised if I seemed to be jumping from a topic to another.

-I'm from a particular college in New York City. This shall be a secret at the moment, but feel free to play guessing games if you wish. :)

-I'm not much of a talker, but I want almost full attention everytime I talk.

-I'm an Asian, and proud; I don't believe in those master race nonsense.

-I'm quite lazy and unmotivated at times, unless...

-I enjoy reading, but detest studying. (It's a different thing altogether!)

-I'm don't trust others easily. I'm secretive and unpredictable.

-It's horror non-fiction, if you dare to provoke me.

♥ IMVU issues I wish to address
-I take quite a while to answer my messages, and that means, up to a month or so. I know I don't check my messages conscientiously, but seriously, college life's extremely busy, especially due to finals. You know, I'm a human as well. I can't be available 24/7, so don't assume I'm being rude/ignoring you.

More to come...

That's about all. Anything you wish to know, just ask. I don't bite.

Contact Me

I'm dedicating this little panel to HIM, although he's firm about not joining IMVU. (& I gave up on him :P)


Idle Dreams
In idle dreams of long ago,
I imagined my true love;
A perfect match, a soul mate,
An angel from above.
Now you’re here, and now I know
Our love will stay and thrive and grow.

By Joanna Fuchs

Icaru, I appreciate the times you've been by me, especially when I needed you most; my feelings & gratitude towards you is just too indescribable. Thank you, for letting me understand the meaning of love, I am, forever and always, yours. ♥

Love, I'm still counting...




contacting message add contact forward block
My Interests

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Bess. 18. USA -NY
TAKEN and forever HIS since 070707
♥ Leave me a message?

My pals
♥ Erratic ♥ Portugurl ♥ Reaction
**For my special buddies only. Do not request to be added.


♥ F . R . E . E . Avi pics!
I'm too lazy to open and tend a shop @ the GASR, so I'll be putting a little one here...Welcome! :)

[♥ General Info]:
-One request per person each time. Want another pic? Order again after I've completed with your first.
-Do not order if requests are closed, or I will just delete it.


Yup, it's totally FREE, but there're still rules to follow and forms to fill in...[READ ON!]

[x] Send me a PRIVATE message with your completed form and screenshot link attached.
[x] Wait for my response.
[x] If I accepted your order, I'll get started with it and PM you the link to the completed work asap.

[♥] I'm making avi pics only. All other requests will be ignored.
[♥] I only accept screenshots/snapshots with transparent or solid colored background.
[♥] I may reject your order if I feel that I'm not able to work with your screenshot. i.e. messy hair.
[♥] Be as detailed as possible in your form, if you wish the results to turn out as you expect.

-Avi name (in case):
-Font style (optional):
-Quote (optional):
-Other details? Specify:

:x: F . R . E . E.

Please respect my work by not stealing. Thank you.

-click the hearts to see some of my other works.

:♥: :♥: :♥:

Enquires? Message me.

*I make 2 pics a day at most. Too much will bore me to death. Subsequent orders will be put on the waiting list.

[♥ Working on:]

[♥ Waiting list:]

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