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Avatar since: 29.11.2007

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My IMVU stuff still exists?

Thank you for your visit!
It's been years since I "left" IMVU (in 2009)。
Second Life replaced it, where I used to be a lot happier, but since SL
is a superficial social world, too, I lost my interest in it as well。
I am a calm, friendly, positive and optimistic person。
I'm an introvert, most and truly happy on my own,
but I'm willing to make exceptions for the kindest amongst us,
since being an introvert does not mean being ignorant。
Quality Above Quantity。 I care and think of everyone else around me first - I'm a people pleaser,
to a certain point。I often exhausted myself trying too hard in the past。
If there is anything I would want from life, it's happiness and peace,
for myself and everyone around me。To want more would be greed
and therefore unfit to my personality。I am aware of myself,
please be aware of your own personality as well。 Let go of superficial and materialistic values and life will be truly good。
Nippon... my love... forever
The Ichiban Jpop Kurabu on IMVU!Me on SecondLife.
In case you want to find me anyway,
I will probably remain at least an introverted gamer,
who posts about his games on Enjin

Meine Interessen
Taishuu Engeki actors
Onnagata means "woman appearance/shape" and are men who mostly play female roles in Taishuu Engeki. All Onnagata in the picture above you can see are men, if you believe it or not. (^^)
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Never question your heart, it knows exactly what you need。
Your mind should be able to adapt to anything your heart desires, to enjoy and live your life happily。
Trying anything of the opposite will never make you truly happy。

friendly Freunde 5
visitors Besucher 808
kharma Geschenke 123
generosity Großzügigkeit 31

Meine Wunschliste
SL Onnagata Miwakutekina Jishaku
Mein Raum
Love and Hatred...
My room: Yuhara Ryoutei

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