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Avatar desde: 2006-06-26
Age: 42
Estados Unidos - OR
Última conexión:

"Get back in the fridge, hobo!"

Ver Mis Álbumes (1)

Hi. I'm Adam. I'm an artist, a brother, a son, a friend, and countless other great roles [laughs]. I love movies. I'd see a new one every day, if I could. Well, maybe not that would get a little boring, lol, but close to it! I've been told I have a good sense of humor, and am good company, so I can only assume it's true. Feel free to drop me a line or a chat invite, anytime.
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Mi lista de deseos
(s)Sw33tHearts voyageDragon Flower Field.CS. The Hero WarpSceneMidnight SkateEerie Roller Coaster
~E~Plant Nightlife CanalOrange Forest Dragonspacerspacerspacer

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