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So Sinfull ;)

I'm easy going , tend get along with most people , I'm a very social person I'm quite whitty and sarcastic at times, I dont take bull from anyone. quick on my feet and independent I have an extremely big heart, I find I care to much about others than I do myself..it may seem i have a tough exterior because I'm pretty cut & dry about lots , but really its complete opposite i just speak my mind. :) if you wanna know anything else just invite me ♥

Love to meet new people & chat with friends♥ =)

I Do Have a life so 99.9% of the time I'm not online during evenings or weekends

i HATE drama , if drama is your "thing" then your not my people sorry =( (i don't take shit from anyone)




hmmm... you?? ♥

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Keep This In Your Thick Skull's .. Im here for Chatting

I WILL NOT got out with you & nor will i Cyber with you :) please dont beg thank you very much ♥


I finally found him♥ rebound ILU :D ♥

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[S] Pin.Up Outfit V2F| Makenna Hazel Limited! A-Cross'ℳ Platinum Dani2G3. Black Shorty REP
2G3. Black Spring Top-tgm-Nara~GumC$ | RIHANNA BACK STARSLive Free, Tattoo | R(♡) Oopel ~ Beige
GraceP| Owl Chest Pieceℒ™Elena|Flight.◈ Rebellious - HoneyLillith
c }Tattoo - Back Heart-tgm-Rift(♡) Potions II ~ Beigespacerspacer
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Avatar sejak: 2007-05-21
Umur: 32
Terakhir masuk:

"Goodbye imvu twas fun. "

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Status Hubungan: Menikah
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