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Yes, that IS me on the page background :P

Friends are important. Friends are hard to find. Some stick by you in tough times and others take off like the wind. Some you can lean on when your down or troubled and some folks will push you down and you thought they were friends. Some you hope you can rely on in moments of honesty and candidness and over time they prove to be real sparkling gems which light up your life. But some who you really needed to listen in important times betray you and can turn out to be a real. But to have friends who are there for you and you there for them is the greatest. Perhaps it is the purpose of life. No religion required to Love someone and be a true friend to them, you just do it because that is who you are. You don't have to read a book and be good because it says to be good. But be a good friend because that is who you are.

Be careful who you choose to trust on here, some are not as nice as they may seem.

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Avatar since: 2007-09-29
Age: 32
United Kingdom
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"Don\'t buy stuff from my wishlist, it\'s only a reminder for me (:"

See My Albums (1)

Relationship Status: Single
Looking For: Friendship
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love, Friends, myspace, guitar, IMVU, music, msn, drums, Hugs, Family, Chocolate, Violin, reading, yahoo, sleeping, virgo, hangingout, United Kingdom, laughing, making friends, green day, bass guitar, climbing trees, rock climbing, facebook
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Gothic Wedding Table[192000] Granite Table[192000]Stone Tile Bench
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