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You have brains in your head and feet in your shoes, You can steer yourself ANY direction you choose
Dear You,
You know who you are
I love you. I am who I am because of you. You are every reason, every hope, and every dream I've ever had, and no matter what happens to us in the future, I will always be yours. You make me the best person I can be and give me a reason for everything. I cherish and hold onto every memory that we hold together and hope for many more in the future. I don't always deserve you, but i'm willing to spend forever trying to prove I do. Don't ever think you are less than perfect or you can't do anything because you're the most amazing person I've ever met in my life and even though I'm a pain in the ass and annoying you still deal with me everyday. You never gave up on me and for that I'll always be in your debt. My everything, My world. I love you unconditionally.

"Would you just stay with me? Stay with you? What for? Look at us! We're already fighting! Well that's what we do! We fight! You tell me when I'm being an arrogant son of a bitch and I tell you when you're being a pain in the ass! Which you are, 99% of the time. I'm not afraid to hurt your feelings, you have like a two-second rebound rate and you're back doing the next pain in the ass thing. So, what? So it's not gonna be easy, it's gonna be really hard. And we're gonna have to work at this everyday, but I wanna do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever. You and me. Everyday."
- You'll always have a place in my heart -
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"The best things in life are free, The second best are very expensive"

I still think of you everyday.

Bonjour, Salut, Hallo, Aloha,
Konichiwa, An nyeong, Guten tag,
Buongiorno, Salve, Shalom, Hola,

Anyway you want to say it, Hey there. I'm Melanie.
Welcome to my page, Enjoy your stalk.

I LOVE volunteering. It makes me feel as though I do something good with my life.
I hate people who are shallow minded, Animal cruelty, racism, and most of all discrimination
I'm Terrified of Clowns & the dark.
I have trust issues acause of my past, So i most likely won't open upto you. ever.
Strawberrys, Yoga, Shopping, Kiwi, Diamonds, Puppies Pink, Smiles & Flowers
I'm scared of being forgotten or left behind.
Ballet is my world. Nothing more beautiful in the whole world then expressing yourself by dance.
I loveeee Dr Suess, How someone could be so clever and wise but still so fun and exciting amazes me.
I hate nasty people & I hate homewreckers
I believe in god. I don't mind if you don't but please don't belittle me or my beliefs.

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The Homies.

Athletic - Ales - Azelia - BabyDee - Ballet - Brofist - Chappy - Cremating - Dioneru - Followed
Forbid - Injury - Gab - Legit - Londres - Macaroni - Machiavelli - Narcoleptic - NSFW - Patrol -
Rachy - Score - Seph - ShreddinTheGnar - Skateboard - Smirk - Travie - Trax - Trombone

My Boo, Marissa, J-Woww, My Soulmate -
I don't know where i'd be without you, No matter how long we spend apart, you'll always be the closest thing to a sister I'll ever have. I'll always catch you when you fall. Please don't ever leave my life because you mean the world to me, You and your huge tits.

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My dearest FFE, My beautiful Princess with the heart of gold. You mean the world to me and no matter what happens in your life, I'll always be here as your shoulder to lean on, You are perfect and deserve the best in everything you ever do and get. You've been there since day 1 and i'll never forget all we've been through and you've done for me. The Godmother & Maid of Honour. I love you with all my heart. Nobody deserves happiness more than you and i'll make sure that you get what you deserve xox

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